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Autoimmune Imbalance

Autoimmune Imbalance

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The first thing to understand about autoimmune diseases is that they come from a gut dysfunction, commonly called "leaky gut."

Julio M. Jimenez
Chiropractic Doctorate
Learn about gut > brain > health connection

Autoimmune disease affects 23.5 million Americans, and nearly 80 percent of those are women.

Find the root cause of your symptoms with this free assessment

This 15 min assessment will unveil possible system imbalances causing your health problems.

Are you one of the millions of people struggling with:

  • Lupus
  • MS
  • Fibromyalgia
  • RA
  • Crohn's
  • Hashimoto's
  • Cancers
  • Pain and swelling in muscles and connective tissues
  • Weakness
  • Skin rashes
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble concentrating / brain fog
  • Swollen glands
  • Abdominal pain and/or digestive problems
  • Or simply “Mystery symptoms”

In conventional medicine there are no cures for autoimmune diseases. What this means is there are no pills for the cure, only ways to manage the symptoms. Many of these diseases have similar symptoms, which makes them very difficult to diagnose. On top of that, managing the symptoms typically involves harsh medications, which aim to suppress your immune system. They can be effective at reducing some of the symptoms of the disease, however, they are not without many unwanted side effects. Fatigue, weight gain, depression, increased infection rates, and even cancer are just a few of the medications' side effects.

Even though conventional medicine does not offer a cure for autoimmune disease, through holistic avenues within the I.W. Method Wellness Program there is HOPE. Functional wellness considers the body as a whole, working on the principle that the health of one body system impacts the health and function of other body systems. Rather than focusing on disease symptom management, we focus on supporting and strengthening the immune system. The I.W. Method Wellness program gets to the root of your system imbalances.

At Imagine Wellness Centre, we look into the root of the dysfunction by understanding the physiology and anatomy of the body systems. We have achieved great results with autoimmune diseases by looking into the inflammation response. Inflammation response is when your body attacks outside agents as if they were a virus, creating antibodies. This makes your defense mechanism go rogue and begin to attack your own tissues. In turn, this can cause over 80 autoimmune diseases. In some cases, it is your thyroid under attack (Hashimoto's, Grave's), your intestinal system (Crohn's, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis), your joints (RA, Lupus), your nerves (MS), your muscles (Fibromyalgia), or many other types of autoimmune diseases.

Through the process of repairing and restoring the gut, the attack to your system is decreased, reducing the number of your antibodies. Using the I.W. Method, we have successfully helped hundreds of patients lower and reverse antibodies, get off harsh medications, and become symptom free. By dealing with the four underlying causes of autoimmune disease: food sensitivities, toxins, infections and stress, the I.W. Method can help get you back on the road to recovery, health and wellness.

How It Works

It takes less than 15 minutes to start your journey to living and feeling better. Start with a root cause assessment.

Root Cause Assessment

Take a 4 body system root cause assessment to learn what might be out of place.

Wellness Plan

After the best wellness plan is determined based on your assessment results, we will mail your balance kit!


Our labs are designed to identify more accurately the root cause of the imbalances revealed in the assessment results.

Therapeutic Considerations

Based on your lab results, a personalized protocol is created. Two options are available:

1. Online

2. Coached

Find the root cause of your symptoms with this free assessment

This 15 min assessment will unveil possible system imbalances causing your health problems.